Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas BBQ, answers to prayers, PICTURES!!

Pictures from Herman Bohning's camera that she emailed with this little note:
Hi sister dunford´s mom!!!!!!
This is sister Bohning. Your daughter is doing great and wanted to send you some pictures, but we only thought to bring my camera this week and not hers. I hope your family is doing well and enjoys seeing Carmen (and me..haha).
Thanks for the toffee recipe. And for sending me such a great companion!
Hasta luego!

Hermana Dunford and Hermana Bohning


Delicious Argentina Barbeque on Christmas Day.
Wed Dec 30, 2009 email:
Hello and happy new year!!
I seriously cant believe that another year has passed already! its crazy. and that transfers are next week too...its nuts. I really hope I stay in this area with my same comp. I dont know if i should say that but, oh well. I think its good that every time I have thought that- at least it means I love my comp and my area!
ok a little funny thought for the day- on my phone call I said that everyone just tells me i´m fat to my face? [actually more like they allude to it, ie "here, have more to eat, obviously you like to eat!"] well luckily it hasn´t happened for a while. Anyway that's besides the point except now its going the other way. For example this man (super creeper as my comp called him) walked by so we started talking to him and talking about the gospel. I started feeling really uncomfortable because he was just STARING in my eyes. it was so weird. Anyway like always i asked if we could pass by in some other moment for his house [is this her spanish structure creeping in?] to share a message about a living prophet and the true restored church of Jesus Christ. He then said, i would only like to steal you away for five minutes so I could just keep looking at you, but nothing more. I was like uhhh,.... ok thanks here´s a folleto chau! haha it was pretty uncomfortable.
So lately it has been crazy rain season here. The other day we shared a message with some people on their porch and I began with a prayer. It was super sunny and hot. when I opened my eyes the sky was way darker and the wind had picked up immensely. It was crazy! Then it started raining. It is seriously like some scene from a movie. Like you just watch these dark clouds move SO fast and they cover the whole sky and then there is a terrible rainstorm. We have learned to always bring our umbrellas now even if its super hot sunny and cloudless in the morning.
So Christmas was super great, we had a huge asado. we borrowed this parilla, like metal grate thing, and then una chapa, like a chunk of an aluminum roof from Jesus Chiapello, the Elder´s quorum president in our ward, to have this huge outdoor bbq. It was so delicious. I have never seen so much meat for a bbq! and like good real meat too and chorizo, not burgers or anything. There is this Elder from Colombia- Elder Cristancho, the one that talked to you guys in english, that had this specialty colombian meat sauce he made that was so good, and he is going to give me the recipe. And we played soccer and some basketball, it was really fun. But I dont think i have ever been so hot or sweaty in my life. and it was so weird to have that on Christmas day.
So the other day we were feeling a little not so great, and we were about to teach a lesson with a member, and we were picking him up in his apartment, and i was like ok, I have got to pray or something to get the fire back. so we offered a prayer together and we went a taught this AWESOME Lesson. It really testified to me the strength of prayer and how quickly the Spirit can help us change the environment so that we can teach with power.
The thing also was that was had contacted a Romina and she was like yeah come back, and when we went back a different day the member that was with us, Pablo Martinez, this awesome super little guy that loves to teach and speak english, was like hey I think she is a member! anyway she wasn´t home. But we were in the same area with Pablo again when we prayed to get the Spirit and I was like hey lets go for Romina again, and we went, she wasnt there but her sister Rocio and her brother Dario were and they were both baptized, there whole family was but they hadn't gone forever because their mom stopped going and so Rocio hadn´t gone in like10 years since she had been baptized when she was 8. so we shared the story of Joseph Smith and the true chruch in the earth again today, and I could tell it was something they had been waiting to hear. Although they have been baptized, they now need the opportunity to grow their testimonies. They are going to pray and read and ask God about Joseph Smith. It was really neat too to share about how we can ask speciifc questions in our prayers to receive specific answers. Rocio was like wait what!? I want to receive answers from God. And we were like you can! and she was like I never knew that. I think everyone would be a lot happier if they could know about personal revelation and that God loves us and wants to help us. Rad. Also it was neat to see how well my compainon and I are teaching. there has been a great improvement in our unity of teaching and i feel like we are really directed by the spirit in what we share with the people. Unfortunately most of the people we teach dont want to get baptized or go to church o que sea. But we are finding new people constantly, or trying anyway, but its just a little frustrating to see this constant rotation or cycle I guess. we just keep getting newbies and then having to drop them becuase they arent progressing.
I also have been reading in the war chapters in alma agian but this time in Spanish. I really hope someday in Heaven we can watch all of these things on screen as they happened. Haha i just love these chapters they have all the good elements of an AMAZING movie, but with the awesome spiritual aspects that can change our lives! I also read in 3 nephi in the chpt about the war against the gadianton robbers. That is just powerful stuff!
I know this is the true chruch of God on the earth today. That the preisthood power is real. That the power of prayer is real. That we can be happy. That to have joy is God´s plan for us. I love this gospel and the peace, love, and blessings that I receive everyday from my Heavnely Father and form my Savior Jesus Christ.
I love you all so much and hope you have a rockin new year! do something so fun! like play beatle rock band all night! haha ok I am a little jealous of that....

Monday, December 28, 2009

pre-baptism rainstorm from Hades

Wed Dec 23, 2009
Hello. Well I really can´t believe that it is Christmas in two days. I´m accustomed to the way Christmas is in Los Estados. Entonces, Im just like yeah whatev right now. I think its pretty cool, because really the only thing here is that I can focus entirely on the reason we celebrate Christmas anyway. Like how they celebrate christmas here is a huge dance party christmas eve with drinks and fireworks. Im thinking I like the way i'm used to it better.....And they dont really say navidad either, they say ¨Va a quedar aca por las fiestas?¨ Its just a party here. Kind of sad. But its just presents in America right? But wow, to focus on the greatest present we could ever have makes me so happy, and humble. Once again I think of the song He sent His Son. The line, He sent His Son to die for us. Really, Christ was sent willingly to come and die for us. In Alma 38 14 it says (sorry i only have my spanish book of mormon) Si, reconoce tu indignidad ante Dios en todo tiempo. We have to always remember we are nothing without Our God, and we are nothing without the mercy of the everlasting Atonement. And because we are human, we are always unworthy. But we can change! We can become better everyday! That is the great Christmas message, the great gift we receive.
Well we had our ward activity on Friday and my companion and I were so preoccupied for the presentation we were assigned and the cakes we would take. So I went with the old chocolate dulce de leche and coconut flakes route. And we spent our stinking studies cooking three cakes! (We know that its difficult for many people to afford to bring food to a cena canasta y queriamos que hubiera suficiente) And we finally figured out what to do for the presentation. mom i had those awesome ornaments [paper nativity ornaments to color I sent in her package] and so we colored those, made a star, a manger, a sheep, and a donkey and found scriptures to explain that since His birth Christ has always been teaching us what we need to do to return to our Heavenly Father. I thought it was a rocking idea, my companion felt it a little juvenile, like for primary or something. igual we did it. So friday night we are working at like 6 and it starts raining nutso hard. but then stops at seven so we go home to get all the cakes and stuff and call the bishop (it starts at 730) and he says I dont know for the storm it might be cancelled, And I was like are you kidding me? Sorry but the rain here serioulsy stops life! its a little frustrating. But, he said no its ok its still on, and Carlos Atausupa, the first counselor in the bishopric said yes its still on we´ll see you there really soon. Ok so we show up at like 7:40. NO ONE ELSE SHOWS UP UNTIL 8:30. but they just went inside to practice a song for sacrament. so finally at 915 like 10 more families come. and I was like ok im sorry we have to go...It was a little frustrating. But Im glad that igual people went and could enjoy each others' company as a ward.
OK and the next night totally made up for it. It was the baptism of Nora and ANGELA!!!!! it was so amazing. WE went to get them at 5:15 to travel by bus to the stake center (it was supposed to be a white christmas baptism, but only one other set of mishes had a baptism, but oh well at least a lot of the elders were there so that we could have witnesses) Anyway so the rainstorm from Hades decided to happen in this moment. And it was raining SO HARD. when it rains here the taxis dont go, like they dont answer their phones you have to hope to reach one in the streets. Anyway so we walked to the bus stop like 6 blocks away, with an 7 month pregnant woman and a really heavy 4 year old that can't really walk and rivers, literally rivers, in the streets that we had to trudge through. I was laughing so hard. I was using like a plastic sheet to cover my head, while carrying Ulysses. I got soaking wet. But we arrived. And the baptism was Fantastic. IT was so spiritual. After the baptism Angela and Nora both bore their testimonies. and they were so strong. Angela was just like im so happy! i feel light and i know i made the right choice. Then Nora at first didnt want to get up and bear her testimony but then she was like elder is it ok if i say something from here? and he was like yes of course. Anyway she said, I had a dream that i was supposed to get baptized and i didnt know what it meant, but now I know. I know this is the right path for me. And she was crying and i was crying. It was so powerful. And then what an adventure to get home! my comp and i waited like 25 minutes before we realized a bus wasn't coming, and then the lady that was waiting with us was super nice and we luckily found a taxi and went together and I taught her the restoration! haha it was awesome. She doesnt live in our area though. but we definitely already passed on her information. It is so cool to see the little things that happen and how it turns out to be an awesome opportunity to share the gospel. Also this guy that we invited to church randomly in the park came! it was so cool. My comp felt that we needed to contact him so we did but he was really weird and like it didnt seem like was going to fruit anything. But he came to church for all three hours and had like a million questions! it was awesome. he tampoco is in nuestro area. bueno i have to go now. But i CANT WAIT TO TALK TO YOU ON FRIDAY! woohoo! Ok and now i think it might be at like 11 or 12 your time. We are having a bbq on the beach as missionaries in the morning. im sorry i really hope thats ok! ok love you all. merry christmas!!!

Love the Christmas package!

Wed Dec 16, 2009
oh my gosh mom, the package was so amazing!! thank you thank you thank you!! the clothes are so perfect, everything. you know me so well. and yes of course i already opened it all!! and my companion wants a toffee recipe. so yeah could you please send that for next week?
So sweet. This week we have a baptism! a beautiful young mom angela who just got married (its so crazy cuz she is only 22, has two kids 4 and 2 and is about to have her third and the four year old has epilepsy, we are just in such different places her and i). anyway and her mom too! we are going to start working with the husband, norberto. Anyway they are super strong and fieles. I am so excited for them, they had their interviews today and passed!
It is so crazy to be working in a ward now, we had ward council and I was just like agh crap I dont know what to do, i dont know how to work with a ward?! Anyway. We have a christmas dinner this friday and my comp and i are trying to cook up something good to show the ward a good time. its tough sometimes they are always talking about the old missionaries and how funny or nice or animated they were. which im like, hey im pretty darn animated. its cool though, i feel like I already have a lot of good friends here in this place. i love all the people i meet. missionaries, investigators, ward members. it's so neat.
yesterday we shared a message with someone who hasn't been to church in a really long time because she cant stop smoking and can't take the sacrament. anyway we promised the Lord will help her and we started reading in 3 ne 18 about the importance of the sacrament and anyway i kept reading and i was like oh the next verses are so good its talking about how if Christ is our rock we can overcome the gates of hell. yeah totally misunderstood but realsized a litte too late., anyway so i had her read them, she was like wow son fuertes. I was like oh my gosh I dont want to tell people they are going to hell!! haha anyway so I turned to helaman 5 12 to see the blessings of having Christ as our rock. it turned out well. but it was like a terrible feeling to share something asi and then realize it was the exact opposite of what i wanted to share just because i skimmed the verse and didnt understnad the spanish well.
Anyway my companinon and i received some extra strength to start fresh and be hard working. and its much better now. I love my companion a lot, I think because i understand her so well, i was just in her shoes of wanting to go home.... Anyway But it was funny a member of the ward who served a mission como hace 3 anos found out that we both have such little time [as missionaries so far] and he was like man if the mission pres wasn't a member i would have said he was drinking to have made a decision asi. I was like haha yah thats what i thought when i found out. but then he said no it really must mean you were just really prepared well. I guess so... i still dont feel like it, but i know with the help of the Lord and the power of my calling I can be a powerful teacher of the word of God. what a blessing. I love testifying to all the people that I know this is the true church on the earth today- that the same church that Christ established was restored by a prophet of God!
ok i love you so much and i am going to call on christmas day como a las 10 en la manana your time. great. I will write again next wednesday. love you so much! chau

Hurray for fumigation.

Wed Dec 9, 2009
OK this is going to be a super short letter.
Alright this week was pretty uneventful. But a huge miracle hapened. I complained a little to my mish president about the bugs in my house and he hired someone to come and fumigate it! and so now there are just dead bugs! it is much much better. I really felt the love of the Lord and of the Mission President in this moment.
Mom thanks for the letter and dad too. Tell curtis good job and that i need to join him in his diet. [he is working to get down to 189 for wrestling] Tell mary to keep up the institute! Good job with the race dad and lauren! [They ran the 'Colder Boulder' 5k together] I'm super proud of you guys! good job with the christmas house mom! i really really really wish i could be there to see it. its like my favorite thing ever. Also, we have to go to bed at normal time on christmas, and here they celebrate it at like one in the morning. so we won't be doing anything with members. Sorry! im trying to ask people what their traditions are....but they say they eat and dance in the middle of the night with fireworks.
Also i should be getting my pakage friday at zone conference. thanks mom!!!
I love you all. One thing that has been really helping me. is the book of mormon. With real study in it every day I am realizing the importance of daily study, righteousness and the atonement and the spreading of the gospel. I compel all of you to read it as well.
Sorry this letter isn´t very good.
I love you all
hermana Dunford

Santa Fe, New Companion, BUGS!!!, summary of lost email.

Wednesday December 2, 2009
Hermana Dunford and her new companion, Hermana Bohn...?

This is me and my new comp. and ok it took me forever to up load it!

Ok so I just wrote this awesome good email that was really spiritual and good and i was so excited to send it and my session timed out or something and it deleted everything. im angry now
Heres a summary: there are a million cockroaches in my apartment, and a billion spiders EVERYWHERE. they are all really big. I am scared constantly
Im really inadequate as a missionary. we dont have investigators. we live next to a beautiful river. we have a chapel and the ward is nice. I can know what i need to do because of the spirit, thanks to 2 ne 32: 1 through 5. my companion is good, we both dont really understand spanish very well. People cried when i left my last area.
I feelweak and dont know how to do anything but i am just trying to be worhty of the spirit through obedience.
I love you all.
Hermana Dunford
I know that this church is true.

[here is a an additional bit about why the bug issue is so bad for her -this was in her note to me]: AGH!! and serioulsy mom the bugs are really an issue. now 5 times in the mish i have had nightmares where I wake up screaming about like a spider in my hair or somthing. last night i fell out of my bed. (im in a bunk) it's so embarrassing. but it was so real my dream. I just sat there and cried, luckily my comp was super nice. I dont know. I dont know what to do. I know there are bugs everywhere but it is seriously bad here.

Senior Companion - AUGH!

Tuesday November 24, 2009
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to be senior comp. I cannot believe it. I am going to be in my third transfer nothing more! AGH!!!! I am so scared.
haha ok I had to get that out.
OK but seriously. I am wondering what I have to learn. Like why am I going to be senior comp already? I´ve got a lot of growing to do i guess....I am going to Santa Fe, and I am pretty sure that my companion I know from the MTC and she is super nice. and already knows spanish thank heavens because she worked in a law firm in guatemala for a year or somthing. But yeah cuz i still dont understnad spanish very well. For example we were teaching yesterday and the lady was like yeah i have a terrible sin after we explained that baptism is for the perdon of sins. Anyway she went on to explain what it is and I was like ok whatever i dont understnad. After the lesson my comp told me that she killed her husband!! agh. But whatever I guess if the Lord trusts me to do it, I can do it.
Ok this week was really different. But also very good because I feel like I learned a lot. We had a district activity and it was so good. the elders in my district are so awesome. I am really going to miss them. There is a program here in Argentina called Casi Angeles (almost angels) and so we did a skit called casi Elderes. It was so funny. we incorporated a lot of things from the culture. Like the elders went to the boliche on saturday night, and then said they couldnt go to church in the morning because it was raining. and then one elder was drinking mate during his talk. It was hilarious. For my talent with my comp we did Hakuna Matata. NO one really thought it was funny. but oh well. Hahah anyway, after the elders did somthing else too. they lip synched to a song by Il Divo. it was so hilarious. Regres a mi. Return to me. I laughed SO HARD. Also the grandson of my branch president danced to billy jean exactly like michael jackson. it was hilarious.
Ok so sunday, we went to a baptism and it was so good. Haha i made brownies with dulce de leche and coco again and everone scarfed them! haha everyone told me that i had to make a double batch the next time, and then another lady told me that i am going to be able get married after the mission. thats good to know. haha. The man that got baptized bore his testimony and it was so strong. He said that he wasnt sure if he had a testimony of the prophet. but right before his baptsim he watched a question and answer session in argentina with Elder Bednar. I got to watch a little part of it too. it was so good. Anway this guy said he know that Heavenly Father answers prayers because he received a testimony right before his baptism that he was an apostle of the Lord.
I know too that Heavenly Father answers our prayers. Elder Bednar answered a question about how it is to be an apostle of the Lord and he said he felt completley adequate. Exactly the words I want to use to describe how I feel as a missionary. But he said that no matter what happens the Lord will help us do anything, if we put our trust in him. It hit me so strong. I too know that Elder Bednar is an apostle of the Lord and that the preisthood of God is back on the earth again today.
We were listening to my ipod and the song how could the father show the world played. I really ask all of you to listen to it or read the lyrics. They are so simple and so powerful. I felt the spirit so strong. Right now its my comp and my theme song. she is trying to learn it in english.
Another thing that happened is that i was reading in Helaman and read three verses that really made me feel the comfort from God that He loves me and wants me to be happy. It was so cool!! Because I had just prayed specifically justo antes that i could find scriptures to help me feel better. I know that if we can pray for specific blessings we will receive them.
I know that this work is of the Lord, and because it is His work He will help us. I know now more than ever that the Book of Mormon is true. I know it was written specifically for me. I love to know that and feel that comfort in my life. I know obedience is the key to feel happy in this life.
I love you all. Happy Thanksgiving! Its this week right?
haha i cant believe that christmas is in a month cuz it is still SO HOT HERE. :) and so humid. everything is wet. all the time. haha ok. this isn´t a complaint, its just factual information.
My comp served in santa her first area. she told me it has a heat that is unbearable. welp i guess we´ll see! haha ok love youall.

HUGE cucarachas and the lady with eighteen dogs. Yikes! But YAY for a BAPTISM.

Wednesday November 18, 2009
So Last Friday we had a baptism! Everything went well and it was a real spiritual treat. I am so glad that Cynthia realized the blessings she can receive from being a member in the true Church of Jesus Christ.
My companion and I made a cake for the baptism. and a miracle happened. haha we made the cake and it was super dry, and we couldnt get it out of the pan. but with the cake fell in two pieces bottom and top, and then we scraped the bottom out, so to put it back together we used dulce de leche but it looked really shady. haha. and then we put a bunch of dulce de leche on top and used coconut on top. the coconut here is so little it looks like parmesan cheese. but since it was SO HOT, the duluce de leche started to melt and we had to put it in the fridge. Ok so i was really sad thinking that the cake was a disaster and that it was going to be really embarassing. but we went and after the baptism everyone started eating and everyone asked who made the cake? it is so good!! somehow it was super moist and really really delicious. en serio, un milagro. something really little but it meant so much to me, that it turned out. Cuz yes i was praying.
Cynthia´s dad made it just in time to after work (he works for an ambulance) to baptize her, and he had to do the ordinance three times! luckily she was super good mannered about it all. Her dad said, she had too many sins, i had to do it three times! it was a good laugh.
The weather here affects EVERYTHING THE PEOPLE DO. its kind of frustrating acutally, if there is rain, nobody does anything. So yeah friday night right before the baptism it rained un monton! so nobody came except the families, but it truly was really beautiful, I am so grateful that everything turned out well, cuz i had no idea what i was doing!
So there is a woman we are teaching and she has 18 dogs. its nuts! I dont know if i already talked about her. But she knows each one of them by name. Everytime we pass by the dogs go nuts and are everywhere. My worst nightmare basically... haha not really, but yeah. Its crazy that the mission so far has taught me to be more tranquil, like whatever happens happens. I am still trying to get used to being soaking wet with sweat however.
For lunch we eat meat and pasta or salad. The salads here are shredded carrots, tomatoes, salt, hardboiled eggs, and oil. or some sort of mixture of those kinds of things. very different! But usually pretty good. and they put bread in the middle and everyone just pulls off a chunk and use the bread like a shovel. entonces, i am eating way too much bread ;).
There are bugs. HUGE cucarachas. Fortunately not any in my apt todavia pero en la calle siempre. La otra dia habia una araña grande en las espalda de un contacto. My companion just like went over to her knocked it down and stomped. But yeah i am trying to get used to seeing bugs all the time.
We were returning to the apartment (pensh) and i looked down and there was a huge cockroach on my shirt. it scared the crap out of me! so i screamed and hit it off and we were in the middle of the street. I really need to learn how to control my fear of companion got a kick out of it though! everyday many things happen that just make us laugh alot. it is usually my naivete with the culture and the language. The spanish is still a huge struggle. But whatever, I can teach, so thats what I focus on. But sometimes i speak in spanish and throw in english words. right now its my focus to not say 'like' anymore during lessons. Already there has been a huge improvement!
haha. its fun to to help my companion with english, there is a program that the latin missionaries have to do, so i get to be an english teacher. I never knew how difficult it is to explain some things, like phrases that we say all the time but really cant translate. that is how things are in spanish too but luckily Im getting the hang of it better.
Also WE ALMOST GOT THE STANDARDS THIS WEEK!!!!! agh we lacked ONE person in the church. and we seriously did todo posible para tener cinco en la capilla. it was super frustrating again. But oh well.
I know that Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restauration and that the same church that Jesus Christ Established is back on the earth!
What a great blessing. Almost everytime we teach the first lesson, I can feel again the Spirit testify to me of these things.
I hope that we always strive to build our testimonies and feel the Spirit everyday. It's important to know these things are true so we can know that the priesthood is on the earth and we can be sealed with our families for eternity! And always live in a state of happiness (mos 2:41)
Its also important so that we know the choices we make now affect our eternity. we need to remember the duration of eternity. (Enos 1:23)
Ok i love you all!
Until next week!

Put on a Happy Face!!

Wednesday November 11, 2009
This week we received the best news ever! Cynthia changed her mind, after we found some powerful scriptures according to the spirit and luckily the Spirit led us in our lesson and she agreed to get baptized!! I dont think i have ever felt so happy. The baptism is this friday. Its also with Angel the son of the Peralta family, and they all came to church again! Agh its so good.
But its also so frustrating the mission. Its tough to keep up a happy face. but I have found that I always have to smile.
I also learned that as members of the church we have to be kind to everyone, we are disciples of Christ. And Because everyone is invited to hear the gospel of Christ by Him, we have to invite everyone too. We need to invite those less active. Treat them As our good friends. 2 Nefi 26:33.
It is so important to be an example.
I know the gospel is true. I know that The book of Mormon was written for us and that we can find what we need in our lives, the answers, with prayerful reading. I love you all!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Almost the Estandartes, lots of SWEAT!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
So this last week was really interesting. Good and bad! Its true what I heard about the mission before, that your range of emotions stretches immensely. you feel happier and way sadder than you felt before.
Anyway the sad things. Cinthia, daughter of Mari and Juan Diaz accepted a baptismal date, but then Monday we went to help prepare her more and stuff but she told us she changed her mind. I was really sad. I am really sad. We told her to pray and see what the answer she got, because we cant deny answers from God. I hope she can see the reality of the necesity of baptism and the gospel in our lives.
Also Elsa and Raul are so good, but Elsa went to the tribunales and cant get divorced until april in order to get married to Raul unless she pays an insane amount right now. Aggh! They need to get baptized right now! but they are so nice, They feed us lunch once a week and do our laundry! And they truly have strong testimonies- its so good to see that.
My companion hurt her foot really badly last week, and got sick somehow from some food or water so we weren´t able to walk very fast and then with the stomach we had to stay inside a couple times. She is getting better though and so thats really good!
Last week we had some really good success with our dats! For the mission there are goals for the key indicators, for example, investigators in the church, how many lessons taught with a member present, how many people contacted, etc. and the goals the mission set are called the Estandartes. Well my companion and I were stoked because we had everything saturday night, and we still had sunday to get more things, all we needed were five investigators in the church sunday morning. We talked to 6 people that told us they were going to come for sure. Its a pretty big thing (ok, really big thing) to accomplish the estandartes and so we were stoked!! However, only two investigators ended up coming. It was kind of depressing. But! two really good things happened anyway- one of the invetigators that came, Maximiliano, hes 14, told us he wants to get baptized! yay! and then the familia peralta came to church tambien. Hna Barriga and I visited them last wednesday to talk to them and try to excite them to come to church, and while we were there the son that had just turned 8 the day before, Angel, went to Mariana, the mom, and said im 8 now and im ready to get baptized. And she looked at us and said wow the spirit was just really strong, and agh!! it was the coolest thing ever. a month or so Earlier we learned that the dad, Osir, wasn´t ever going to come back cuz he had an accident where he lost his job and a lot of bad things happened, but the whole family came on sunday! i felt so happy when i saw them walk through the door. They are the cutest family ever, and now Angel is going to get baptized next friday. I just hope they continue to come and receive the blessings from being active members in the church.
Also its sad when people are like dont come back here is your book, i dont need religion, but then its so great to see the little blessings as well. For example right after that happened two times in a row, we were walking to another place and saw this lady that we had taught earlier but for some reason we didnt know where she lived and she was so glad to see us and we set another appointment!
I just know that everytime someone chooses not to accept the gospel I have to stay motivated and happy in order to find the people that are going to accept the gospel.
I know that the gospel is true and that Jesus Christ is our Saviour. I know that the scriptures contain the answers to our questions, and that through them we can receive revelation. I love the Book of Mormon so much! I never appreciated it so much before in my life. It was truly written for us in this time.
I am so grateful for my companion and the good times we have had thus far! we laugh a lot.
Oh yeah!! haha i forget to tell you about the death heat wave that we experienced. I HAVE NEVER SWEAT SO MUCH IN MY LIFE. haha. Not today, but for four days in a row it was so nutty hot, I thought i was going to die. we were sitting, ok sitting, in a lesson, and i looked down at my arms and they were soaking wet. SOAKING WET. like my forearms!! ahh! the lady left to find her book of mormon and my companion and i started laughing so hard. I really hope we dont lose investigators cuz i sweat so much. And smell so bad. i have to buy perfume today. In order to be able to sleep we get t shirts and soak them all the way through and then put them on. then during the night we resoak them. Yesterday there was a ton of wind, and it cooled down immensely. I was never so grateful!
But we´ve gotten a lot of laughs through the heat. One time I was trying to clean my face for a lesson with a paper towel and it got so wet that little chunks of paper towel stuck to my face. so yeah i had them during the lesson. I am already like 20 shades darker in my skin tone. Its great :)
But yeah my companion is so great, i am laughing a lot more than i did before, we are having a great time. It is so cool to be with someone all the time that is from a different country. And my Spanish is improving and its great.
Also, we have nicknames for each other, she is Menchaca and I am Suipacha. They are streets here in Juan de Garay. Oh and for those that were wondering she is the green fiona, or the true fiona.
And hopefully i can send pics soon, to be honest I didn´t take any really in my first transfer but my trainer has a lot and said she is going to make a cd for me. I hope so!
Ok bye the gospel is true! I love you all!

[[[ I had asked her: "Do you do daylight savings time down there? Did you have Halloween? -not you personally of course, but I guess I'm asking if they celebrate it down there, and how?"] [She had a follow-up email just to answer these questions, which she had forgotten in her main email: "PS there is no daylights savings here and i think there were like 10 kids outside asking for candy. But yeah halloween like isn´t a thing here".]]]

Primary presentation and Hermana Fiona

Wednesday Oct 28, 2009
So it is getting really roasty down here. And its so weird so think thats it´s snowing there! And that it is only spring too. Summer will kill me :)
So this week we have been working super hard to try and accomplish the MIssion Standards- Every week we only lack in a couple things, like lessons with a member present and such, but when we work really hard, it is cool to see what it does. I know that the goals we have to accomplish, well the Standards, are set by the Lord, and that we can accomplish them if we have the desires. And oh boy I have the desires.
The primary presentaction was on Sunday and it was so good to see! About 8 kids were there and that is a lot more than usual, so it was great to see. Also it was so different, everyone participated in the program, even our investigator that was there, Ladis!
She is the sweetest lady. She is progresing well and I cant wait to see her get baptized. I just pray that her husband will come to Church as well, so that they can get baptized together and then prepare for the temple! They are so nice.
The other day we went to a lady´s house because she was a contact. I guess months before she had received lessons from the missionaries and she believes it and wants to get baptized! It was so cool to see the people that the Lord prepares, we just have to go and find them. She is moving this saturday, but to the area of the elders in our district so luckily she won't get lost in the move, if that makes sense. it will be easier to pass along her info.
WE got to play futbol for pday and it was so fun!
My companion is from Santiago Chile, and she is a convert of 7 years. she is 22 and is super funny and great. I laugh a lot with her. We have a good time contacting, which is good cuz i was worried i might never like it. haha. Her nickname in the mission is Fiona because she is similar to fiona in the shrek films i guess [Ogre version - we found out upon further questioning]. Also her name Is Hermana Barriga which means belly here. haha. She is great.
I know the church is true and Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I love teaching the Restoration and feeling the Spirit every time, especially with the First vision. I know that God loves us so much he has given us a prophet to lead us and guide us.
I love you!

New Chilean companion, 5 investigators at church!

Monday, Oct 19, 2009
This week has been crazy. I don´t even know! Oh my goodness. We had transfers on Wednesday. I now have a Latina Companion, and she is the Senior companion for the first time. So that means, that I am the senior companion. [Because Carmen is the one who has been in the area]. haha not really. But I can´t believe it, this is the hardest thing! But its crazy Cuz I hardly know the area at all.
Anyway we had 5 investigators in church and 22 people, the most by far! it was so good. And I had to give a talk too. But before with my trainer i often didnt talk. Now, however, I am stretching myself in ways I didnt think possible. Its crazy. I just talk now and hope people understand me, and if not I hope they understand the spirit.
I'm sad though because Ana was supposed to get baptized this Saturday but she didnt come to her interview or to church. I dont know what to do for her. Its hard to tell whether she wanted to get baptized because she liked Hermana Burns so much. Anyway,
The mission is good. I love the gospel, I have never prayed so much in my life. heavenly Father listens always. Until next week.

Friday, October 16, 2009

You don't have to be perfect to get baptized! And you can still have fun!

October 13, 2009 1:03:37 PM MDT

So we are preparing Ana for her baptism right now but she didn´t come to church on Sunday- she unfortunately slept through our knocking on the door. But she will get baptized the 24th, its exciting. I hope this will help her overcome all the hard times in her life right now.
we were able to bring Ladis to church though, and the people in the branch were so sweet to her, unfortunately Omar didnt come because he said he was too embarrassed to come because of his wheelchair. But I think Ladis had a really good experience.
We are practicing a hymn for District conference next month, Redeemer of Israel. There are only 6 people singing, but I guess thats pretty rockin for a Branch choir! and I play the keyboard for it so thats fun.
A really cool experience this week was when we finally committed the daughter of Juan and Mari Diaz to get baptized! Cintia agreed to get baptized on the 14th of November. Her dad will have the Melchezidek priesthood by then so he can baptize and confirm her too! That will be really good.
But we´ve been trying to commit Cintia to get baptized for a long time, so it was so good to finally figure out by the Spirit what she needed to hear. The family Diaz invited some friends, Marcos and Marcelo to Noche de Hogar, and they listened to a lesson about baptism. Anwyay they agreed to get baptized after we testified about baptism being a promise to obey God and take the name of Christ on ourselves, not to be perfect. And you dont have to leave behind your friends or stop having fun- haha you just have to have righteous fun! Anyway, I think Cintia was scared that she couldn´t have fun anymore or whatever. But we explained that we had normal fun lives before the mission, but we had joy and hope because we have the Gift of the Holy Ghost and we can be with our families forever. Anyway Cintia accpeted a date for baptism! yay!
I have been having a hard time, but my companion and I had a lot of good plans and she helped me realize that it will all be good. And then this morning my worst (literally) nightmare came true. I am staying here and Im getting a native companion and my trainer is leaving. It is seriously the SCARIEST thing ever. I dont know anything. The people of the rama and area all love Hermana Burns, none of them know me. Im just like the silent one that follows her around.

I love you all. The gospel is true.

General conference and cute babies

Wed Oct 7, 2009
Conference was fabulous wasn´t it? I especially liked the Saturday conference (that was when I got to listen in English:) I am sad because I missed Elder Holland´s talk (my favorite Apostle) because we left to buscar Ana to attend the session and arrived late. Oh well, the blessing of receiving the talks in the Ensign! I loved how much they seemed to focus on love and service. I hope we can really all live in a way that Love is our number one characeristic and what we are known for as disciples of Christ.
The families that I talked about last week, both decided to not listen to us anymore. I am sad for that. But at least they came out and told us. We have an investigator who will probably get baptized next weeked though! Her name is Ana and she has a cute little kid named Agustin. She is super nice, but sad and looking for a change! She said she feels better when she reads and prays. It´s so good.
We are also teaching Omar and Ladis. They are old and have been together like 60 years or something and are just the sweetest people ever. It will take a little longer, but I believe they will be baptized.
Also Daniela, a sister of a member in a ward nearby, told us that she knows the church is true but is scared about what her husband thinks. She is going to ask him if they can do a Family Night on Friday with us though. I hope it works out. She just had a baby about two months ago and he is the cutest little thing, his name is Joaquin. She has four boys that are just super cute. The people here are great. My guess though is that the people everywhere in the world are great, sometimes they just don´t know it, or show it.
Also Malvinas just had her baby a week ago and her name is Azul- what a gorgeous little baby! It makes me wish I could see Titus. Haha just a note on that, Titus is a book in the New Testament and I was wondering what the name in Spanish is for that, so I looked in my Spanish Bible and it´s Tito. haha it made me laugh, sorry Lauren :)
The names here are interesting- often they are the same but they change the end letter depending on whether its a girl or boy. Facunda or Facundo, Emanuel or Emanula, Ricardo or Ricarda, Agustin or Agustina, Fernanda or Fernando, Alejandro or Alejandra etc.
Anyway. The gospel is true, it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the way we can be happy in this life. The Book of Mormon is true, and it is SO good. I love you all.
Love Hermana Dunford

A few Questions and Answers

Sept 30, 2009
  • Did you get the package from lauren and mary yet?
NO, since everything is sent to the mission home I have to wait til the zone leaders bring it out. SO Either I wont get it til the next transfer or maybe next week when they come. Sorry, it totally probably already arrived! the same is for letters they all go to the mission home since I cant get mail at the apartment. So yeah I get everything in a bunch. But its good.
Some ideas for my christmas package: If you could send knee highs that would be great. It is going to get REALLY hot here and to wear knee highs would be the best by far. Also peanut butter- haha they dont have it here. maybe just like a small jar. Also some perfume. Degree sells some body sprays that are like 3 bucks. And my companion said that when it gets cold i will die without long johns. so if you could send some. I dont think my leggings will be sufficient.
  • Do you shop for groceries on your pday?
Yes we do.
  • Do you and your companion buy food, cook and eat together, or do you each do your own thing?
Yes my comp and i shop cook and eat together. I really like the system, but not all companions do it that way so we´ll see.
  • How often do you get fed by members?
WE eat with the members about twice a week. Always with the Branch president on Tuesdays and Elsa an investigator on thursdays.

  • Have you worn your jumper yet? = )
yes i have! once. But i am waiting til it gets really hot to wear it more, so i can just wear a t shirt underneath. There are extra rules here about clothes than there were in the mtc so I am having a little bit of difficulties figuring some things out...but hopefully it will be ok. I have to tuck every shirt in. Whatever its fine. But I guess I still wish I had more button up shirts. Maybe I can find some here to buy.

  • How long has your companion been out and where is she from.
the next transfer is Hermana burns last transfer. She is awesome. She has helped me a lot.
She is from texas. she is a ballerina. She went to byu for 6 years and will finish up this next year. she is 25, and beautiful and kind. We get along really well!! I am so scared to not have her as my companion anymore! hopefully we are together again next transfer in Rafaela.
  • Is her hand OK by now? is she wearing a cast, or what?
she had little brace things on her fingers and they are off now. We went to the hospital for her fingers and its social medicine. BAD NEWS. Never ever ever vote for social medicine. Her fingers dont seem to have healed correctly. SO I dont know. But i think she might be ok.
  • And how are you doing, health wise. Are you feeling good and keeping those headaches under control?
I had a headache yesterday acutally but I think its gone now- didnt last too long and I think it was also because I am getting sick. But i think that is passing too already. Lets hope. the weather has been really strange here! really hot and really cold!

My spanish is improving but it is still difficult often to say things. But the Spanish here really is very different. but I think it is very beautiful, I was just talking today about how I am so glad I got called here because the spanish is the best here. and the people are so great. I just need to learn to talk more. Because honestly when you learn a new language, Often in the translation the personality gets lost. and I feel like that happened to me. Im kind of bland. I hope i can help people see im fun and good! hahah it is really hard...but its ok.

Families want to be together forever!

Wed Sept 30, 2009
Hello family!
This week was really good. We found two really good families to teach! The Familia Pautasso- Carlos, Maria del Carmen, and their two kids Morena and Maximo are so nice and really receptive to the message. I am excited to see them tonight to teach them the Plan of Salvation. Also the The familia Heit. Mariano, Andrea and Lucia. They are also super nice, and I can tell they want to be with their family forever. Ok I´ve noticed that is what everyone wants actually! And I love that I am here sharing how people can receive that blessing.
We got ¨broken up with¨ three times on monday. Sergio (he is going to get baptized someday though, I know it) Gladys, and Maria Laura (I guess this time for real). But Sergio, pulled the ¨I dont know how to say this¨... and then said well But come back in like a month, and I will try to keep reading. Then Gladys had her husband come out and tell us that they didn't want us anymore and that she was sick on her bed. (through the window we saw her at the table)
and then Maria Laura wished us both happiness in the future with our families. I was sad, but also somewhat amused at the way they were So similar to break ups in real life. But it made it easier because now we can focus our time on people that do want to change and get baptized. And everyday we are finding more people! Its awesome.
The other day we were walking and all the sudden somthing hit my face and it hurt. And it stuck to my face! It was bird poop. Sick! luckly it was a chunk that just flicked off. Everytime we talk about it now my companion and I just laugh So hard!! Hermana Burns has had many close calls, but luckily she has never been hit yet.
On our way to District meeting yesterday we got on the wrong bus, and accidentally took a tour of our town! we were also unfortunately very late.
People think often times we are from here, but then I start talking and they ask where we are from. Hna Burns really speaks castellano so well! And then i come in.....Luckily I think its just my accent that really gives it away. But honestly, its crazy I have been in the country for a month already! I remember when I would say I have only three days in the country.
I love having two and half hours to study every day. It is really such a great blessing. I was reading in Mosiah the words of King Benjamin, and the boldness and Spirit with which he speaks are truly amazing. I love that he just comes out and says, it doesn´t matter why people need things or how they got in the state they are in, we have to temporally and spiritually uplift them and help them! And everything we have isn´t ours anyway, all things we have are God´s, All blessings we have to give aren´t ours.
I hope this weekend in General Conference we can listen to the words of the Prophet and The apostles of the lord with the same hearts that the people of King Benjamin had. That we can allow the Spirit we feel to make a change in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually. (Mosiah 5:2) I know that the words they will speak are the words of God. I know that they have spiritually prepared to give us what we need at this time. I know that we can spiritually prepare and ask questions that will be answered through the Spirit and personal revelation when we listen to their words. I ask that all of us turn to our Savior Jesus Christ, and be cleansed of our sins. That we can gain a hope, because Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). That we won´t be in despair because we have been forgiven of our sins (Moroni 10:22). That the world can be a better place when people use the Atonement to change their lives (Ether 12:4).
I know that this is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that we can grow and learn and be strengthened in all things through our Savior. I know we can have the faith to change and receive the blessings of being a better person, even though change can really hurt sometimes.
I know that Heavenly Father knows each one of us, and loves us with a perfect love, and that we can pray to Him always to tell Him our problems and He will always listen.
I am so grateful for my life- I have received so many blessings, blessings that I haven´t even recognized. And they just keep coming. We are truly indebted eternally to our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ.
I love you all. I pray for you and your successes.
Love Hermana Carmen Dunford

People maybe feel it's true, but don't feel like changing?

Wed Sept 23, 2009
Hello from Argentina! This week has been busy and full of lessons and contacting and the Spirit! Last Thursday was a crazy rainy day with a ton of wind. My umbrella turned inside out! haha ok that was random. Anyway. I am so grateful for the faithful members of the branch here and their willingness to help with the work. Hermano Valiente is always willing to go with us to lessons and give his testimony of the gospel and the blessings he has received from it! What a blessing. I think it helps for investigators a ton to see regular people that live the gospel in their lives and receive blessings with everything.
We taught a lesson to Maria Laura who said she doesn´t believe in God but she prayed and said she felt good, and the next time she had read 3 Ne 11, and remembered it all really well, so we went forth teaching the plan of salvation and her and her boyfriend Guillermo seemed to really understand and agree that we have to be obedient to receive blessings and be baptized in order to return to God. Then all of the sudden at the end Maria Laura said no, There is no (at least the was the gyst...i think). It was sad. We are going to go back, hopefully she can feel the Spirit and recognize and know that we truly do have a perfect Heavenly Father that loves each and every one of us.
We also taught Sylvana, who said she read and prayed and knows that its true. What a great feeling to know that someone else knows that there is a better way to live! We then taught her about temples and the blessing of being sealed to our families forever! I love sharing that. We then set up an appointment to return and teach her whole family.
What´s hard is I think a lot of people can feel that it´s true, but they maybe don´t feel like changing, or that they can´t. And that is the miracle of the Atonement that I know to be true. We can repent every day to change and be more like Jesus Christ, our Savior and perfect example.
For alittle bit, I felt like I didn´t know how to have faith for others (well of course Im still learning...) but I read a verse (I don´t remember the verses!!) But that it says we need to have charity for the people and have hope in the Atonement. So I need to love the people and know that the hope the Atonement gives is real and that it can work for them. THat and fervent prayer. I am learning SO many things. yeesh. I have so far to go. SO far. But it is the process that makes us stronger. And we can all be strong in the gospel if we want. And if we don´t want, we have to pray for the desire.
I love you all so much. The gospel is true. The priesthood is real. It is from God. The Book of Mormon is the word of God, and we will be judged by its words. So we have to study everyday! I know that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God.

Love Always, Hermana Carmen Dunford

First talk in Church in Spanish, the Members are great

Sept 16, 2009
Hello! Well the days are definitely getting warmer as spring approaches and I´m getting a little worried for how hot it will be in the summer. Oh well- I´ve got a little while before that happens.
This is seriously the scariest hardest thing EVER!! The first two weeks were truly very hard for me. It is so hard to be here! Especially when people think you are stupid because you can´t understand them. Or when you can´t say what you want to say. Or your personality changes because you can´t talk! its very difficult. But I have been praying tons and talking to my companion and gaining more strength everyday. Whenever I feel especially down I know all I have to do is love God, and work hard and I will be able to say I did all I could. So far I can say I have done that! I think so anyway... haha. I also sing the Lord is my light, then why should I fear? by day and by night His presence is near.
This week was interesting! Lots of lessons taught, lots of people talked to. For example, we went on divisions with members of the relief society. I´m pretty sure that is the scariest thing I´ve ever done. I didn´t want to be without my companion! But of course everything turned out fine. I went with the Relief Society President, Hermana Caro, and Mariana, 18, who is always willing to help out the sisters. We stopped by some inactive sisters and invited them to come back to Church. We then stopped by a reference. They let us come in so I was like ok teach about the Restoration and bam. Anyway, they´re talking and I can´t understand hardly anything so I keep teaching. The members bore testimony, and then we invited them to church. I comitted them to pray also, because they can´t read so I wasn´t exactly sure what commitment to leave them. But they were listening and seemed to understand and agreed to come to church. Anyway I started to try and set up another appointment and Hector Cejas just said I´ll see you at church. So I was pretty excited to have taught a lesson with a member and be able to do it (kind of) without my companion. We were at home that night and then we realized that they weren´t a reference, but that Hector and his wife Facunda are members, less active. Ha! So the lesson didn´t count for numbers. but it defnitey counted for something, Hector did come to church on Sunday and the members all gave him a warm welcome. I´m pretty sure he said something to that effect while I was teaching, but I seriously had no idea.
All the things that people tell us, I hardly ever know! And then later my companion tells me. and it all makes sense.
On Sunday we ate at the house of Muslim. I had no Idea he was Muslim until my companion just told me. But it was a really good experience- he and his girlfriend served us a very good lunch of fried potato things and chicken and bread, then dulce de leche with cream, and cake for postre (dessert). The people feed you and feed you so you have to eat slow or else if your plate is empty they will give you more! My companion sat next to Abraham and he kept putting more and more food on her plate. We felt pretty sick after that meal but we laughed pretty hard. He is such a nice old man- after Hermana Burns offered the prayer to bless the food he was crying! And although he said he has his god and doesn´t want to learn more, his girlfriend seemed very willing and is going to get taught by the elders in her area! Cool- so many nice nice people here.
We have been teaching Claudia- She is catholic and has four of the cutest kids. She is so eager to learn more about Christ and HIs gospel, and when we started talking about the Book of Mormon she asked if there was a place she could go to buy one! We were like no, we have one here as a gift for you! It was cool. She prayed about Joseph Smith and said she believes he is a prophet, but many others are prophets too like at the same time. I took the opportunity to bear testimony that There is only one true church of Christ on the earth and that it has the priesthood of God and that we have to be baptized witht that power in order to return to God and be worthy! I love this gospel.
We have had more lunches wth members, lots of bread (yum) and meat. I had milonesa for the first time- very delicious. That was with Elsa- she lives with her boyfriend of 20 years so she isn´t a member yet but has to wait for her papers of divorce before she can get married to raul. It is crazy how long people have to wait to get divorced here and so then dont even worry about it. Marriage is just not a big thing down here. It´s sad.
We had torejitas which was lettuce and i dont know what with egg put into balls and fried, looked kind of like meat balls. Also rice with mayonaise. they eat lots of mayo here it seems like. That was with the Acostas, the branch president and his wife.
We have hamburgers patties we grill up for lunch sometimes. They are so good! Seriously the best, and its just from like a frozen little package.
The area we serve in is very nice and clean. It is mainly neighborhoods and a little bit of a down town area. I really like it. My companion tells me it is a very nice and clean good place. I feel so blessed to start out in this place because it makes it easier to adjust with all the tough other things to deal with being a new missionary!
The president of the Elders Quorom is very nice and dedicated- he goes out with us at least twice a week in order to teach investigators or contact. His testimony he gives is very strong. I know the members make A HUGE difference when teaching others about the gospel. I challenge each of you to volunteer to help the missionaries and be willing to have your friends learn about the gospel!
Oh yeah I gave my first talk on Sunday in Spanish. It was only to a congregation of about 15. But It was on missionary work and I think it went well. luckily people comment on my ability to be able to speak pretty well and that they can always understand me. Phew!! the gift of tongues is real!! I´m so grateful for the help I receive from my Heavenly Father every day.
I know this gospel is true and that the scriptures are the word of God!I know that I can be be with my family forever. Which is the greatest blessing of all to me because I love you more than anything.
Love Always
Hermana Carmen Dunford

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Juan de Garay, Rafaela: Lots of Dogs and Perfume and Bikes!

Yay! it finally arrived! Wednesday, September 9, 2009 - first letter from Argentina

Hello Family!
I´m not sure how much time I have but not much. I do have an hour to write the family but i had so many to read today!! phew! haha ok thanks so much for your letters though! I really appreciate it.
Ok Mom only send packages to the mission home and ONLY through USPS. ONLY. ok good and yeah that sounds like the right book! ok and for my scripture Alma 36:24 im pretty sure. I can only read it in spanish right now but i think it is the right one.
and ok, send everything to me, pckgs, snail mail to the mission home addres..
ok i think thats it!
ok argentina is wonderful. The people are so nice! Mary you would love it, THERE ARE DOGS EVERYWHERE!! haha running around all the streets. and everyone owns one too. seriously you can´t believe it until you see it. everyone wears lots of perfume, but so far it all smells good! bread is delicious here. we buy facturas (donuts kind of) they are so delicious esp when they are filled with dulce de leche. ok and there are lots of bikes and motorcycles, its cool! i like it here a lot.
ok except for the fact that i don´t understand very much. it is tough to understand anyone!
luckily i have an amazing!! trainer. Her name is Hermana Burns and she is from texas and she is beautiful and smart and a hard worker! I am so glad to have her as my first companion in the field. We live in a small apt called a pension. and we shower out of a bucket! haha im used to it already though.
we try and talk to everyone on the street, and we constantly have teaching appointments. it is really cool! I was scared about loving people but its super easy. I can´t explain it. I pray all the time. It is really tough to teach and speak and understand and explain in a totally new language! in the mtc we could just say ok whatever let me just tell you in english. but here, you cant! a lot of people we teach though say my spanish is good and they understand well! but i cant understand them! Chruch on sunday only 12 people were there, it was definitely a different experience. oh my city is Rafaela and my area is Juan de Garay.

It is apparently very clean for Rgentina, and peaceful. it is very cold here some days. I have a good coat though! but yeah i keep thinking its about winter but its nearing the end of winter here!
The other day we were sharing a spiritual thought with some non members that are the kids of members, Erika and her kids. ANyway, ok this is really embarassing, but I was trying to teach the 1st vision, and I couldn´t say what i wanted to really and the kids were laughing, anyway i started crying cuz i felt silly! But I calmed down quickly and had faith that i could do it and i continued teaching and I know that was the Spirit giving me strength to continue on.
I know that this is the true church. I know that baptism with the power of God and enduring to the end is the ONLY way that people can return to live with God! I know i can live with my family forever and I am so grateful because I love you all more than anything! I know that this is the Lord´s work and that He is doing it and I and all other missionaries are just here helping it along. I know that if I work my hardest everyday I can help a lot!
I love you so much and miss you. But I love this opportunity and I love helpìng people find the truth in their lives!
Love forever. Hermana Dunford
Good job Curtis with your work [he was telling some friends about the plan of salvation in the locker room after football practice and one of them later asked him if he could go to church with him, so Curtis picked him up and took him on Sunday], and the rest of you too! And mary good luck with your job [she got a second job at Red Robin]!
PS We went to the hospital today for my companions fingers, they are broken. we were there for five hours. very different experience. four and half were just waiting

ok bye i loveyou better letter next week i promise! there is no time to do anything
here! loveyou!!!

Carmen arrives in Argentina!

It is now 2:20 pm on Wednesday, September 9 - Oooh! 09/09/09!!! And we totally expected to have an email from Carmen by now (it is 6:20pm) in Rosario, Argentina. So, Bummer - we still do not know her direct address or any information other than what was sent us from Hermana Villalba, the Mission President's wife as seen below. So - here you have it!!

Dear Brother and Sister ….,

President Villalba & I are very happy to have received your son in the great Argentina Rosario Mission. We thank you for your wonderful support in the marvelous work of the Lord. Hna Dunford arrived safe and sound. She was very happy to finally get here and we’re thrilled to have her.

We thank you for your following the rules regarding the use of email established by the First Presidency in that missionaries are only allowed to receive and write to their families.

I have attached a photo of your daughter, President Villalba & myself. Another photo with her group.

Once again, thank you for your love and help,


Hermana Villalba

P.D. Preparation day are normally on Wednesdays.

Carmen's Phone Call from LAX

Carmen left the MTC on Monday August 31, 2009. She flew from SLC to LA in the morning with a layover long enough to call us from LAX airport. She called Tom's 800 # at work and then he conferenced me in. In the meantime I texted Mary and she came home from work and got on the line as well. We talked for over an hour, and it was good to hear her voice, hear her Spanish and just touch base with her before she heads out of the country! She flew from LA to Lima, then on to Buenos Aires, then had a bus ride to Rosario - she said she was supposed to arrive at the mission home at about 7:30 the next morning. So she was traveling for over 24 hours straight.
She said that she had a really bad "episode" of feeling sick and woozy on Friday that had the doctors quite worried - they seriously considered delaying her departure. She had got up that morning and went into the bathroom and got really sick feeling and light headed and even started to feel that her sight and hearing were going. One of her roommates was a registered nurse and saw that here face and lips were white and came to her assistance. Carmen went to the doctor again and she tested ok, but they were very worried. The one who had examined her came to the conclusion that her electrolite balance was off - that she wasn't getting enough salt (she had also been drinking a lot of water). So she was OK'd to go -and now knows a bit more about what to watch for and how to care for her health.
A few other things that she told us:
  • she got a haircut- shoulder length
  • she sure loves her family
  • her nickname in her district was "Doogs" a variation of a mispronunciation of her name that was used for her dark side (the 'blunt' Carmen)
  • she wondered if getting such a great companion in the MTC was going to be like a "mean trick", knowing that she could not get another one so good!
  • They all got blessings the night before they left- I think she said Elder Hardy gave her hers (he is the one she is related to) and in it he told her "everyone who knows you loves you"
  • she really loves her family
  • she heard that she was going to have to spray all her clothes for spiders in Argentina (freak-out)
  • sometimes she still gets stress headaches
  • she loves her family soooo much
  • she is very thankful for all the letters and for everyone who wrote to her and sent her stuff
  • She met David Archuletta in the airport!! and got her picture taken with him!!!
We were so thankful to get to talk to her, and Sister Godfrey even got on the phone for a minute to tell us how wonderful Carmen is. Not that we didn't know already - but that was a nice touch. Hello to you all from Carmen! We certainly look forward to hearing from her in Argentina.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

More photos from the MTC

Carmen sent these photos before she left the MTC. The captions are the contents of the last written word I got from here, which accompanied the photos. So glad everything/one is so awesome and the best ever!! Love it.

The night before Elders Jacobs and Carpenter left (about the halfway point of my MTC stay). We miss them, they were awesome.

Elders Andrews and Mohlman - They are so cool. They already left, they were really fun.

It's the Dunford Stamp of approval! Elder Glazier is so awesome, and he's in my mission!

We all matched unintenionally =). It was fun. This is Hermana Crawford with us. I love her!

YAY! Best Friends! Best companionship ever!

Best Roommates ever! Hermanas Kitchen, Dunford, Godfrey, Bjornstad, and Blake.
with Sceur (French for Sister) Curran
Sisters Jackson, Dunford and Curran - all in the same freshman ward back in the day!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baptism of Fire!

Wed Aug 26- last email from MTC:
This last week I did a doctrinal study on baptism of fire. I guess I didn't really understand what it meant. So I found a talk by Loren C. Dunn and read it and some scriptures and it really helped my understanding. I just want to share one specific thing that I learned. As we allow the Spirit of God to cleanse us and sanctify us, our hearts start to change. Our desires are different and we only want to follow the will of God. In Alma 5:14 Alma asks "..have ye been spiritually born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have you experienced this mighty change in your hearts?" I know that as we repent of our sins and allow the Spirit to do its job and cleanse us as if fire, we can have this mighty change of heart and our attitudes about everything we do will change. In Alma 13:12 we read about high priests that are called and the change that occurs within them concerning sin because of the fire of the Spirit. "Now they, after being sanctified by the Holy ghost, having their garments made white, being pure and spotless before God, could not look upon sin save it were with abhorrence..."
I hope that we can all have this change in our hearts and constantly feel the fire of the Spirit, so that we can hate sin, and only desire to follow strictly the commandments of our God. I know that the Holy Spirit has that power because I have felt it in my life and that is the greatest feeling- to know that I have used the Atonement in my life and have allowed the Spirit to burn me clean.
Last night for devotional we had the extreme privilege of being visited by an Apostle of the Lord. Elder Richard G. Scott came and bore simple witness, as a man with the mantle of the Apostleship, that Christ lives, and he knows it because he knows Him. What a great blessing. I know that I felt within me the fire of the Spirit confirm to me that there is nothing more true. I also know that Richard G. Scott is truly a special witness of Christ. The most special thing for me was when, with the power of an Apostle of the Lord he conferred upon me (all in the MTC) the Gift of Tongues to make it easier to speak and bear testimony in another language. He also invoked upon all of us a blessing of protection by an apostle of the Lord as I used good judgment and am righteous. He literally said the words a shield of Protection. I know that as I am worthy and choose to always follow the Lord's will through the promptings of the Spirit, I can receive these blessings.
I can't even explain how I felt last night- but it was the best feeling ever. I am so extremely happy to be where I am studying the gospel of Christ, and have my testimony of His sacrifice continually grow stronger and stronger every day. This is truly the Lord's work. I hope to do the best that I can in order to be an effective tool.
I leave on Monday for Argentina. I am sad to leave the people that I love here. But I am excited to go meet new people that I know I will love just as much or more. I can't wait to share with them the joy that I feel from the blessings of this gospel and knowing that I can be saved and return to live with my Heavenly Father because of my Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you all for your love and support! I feel it everyday. I love you- my family, so much.
Love, Hermana Carmen Dunford

Dios quiere que seames felicidades!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hello my wonderful family. It has been a very fulfilling week once again. Although I have felt sick (I am seeing the doctor today) all is well and amazing!
Last wednesday night I had an amazing experience in the TRC. We taught a man who was a Muslim and didn't believe that God was our Heavenly Father. Anyway my companion and I developed a charity for him and really wanted him to have his own spiritual experience so we had him pray to the Father to ask for a confirmation that this man, Rusty was truly a son of God. It was so powerful, and my testimony was also strengthened with the love my Heavenly Father has for me and all of His children. Also I learned a great lesson, because last week on preparation day I didn't prepare for how I should have in order to teach a lesson. But my companion and I said a heartfelt, sorrowful prayer in order to be completely worthy for the Spirit to guide our lesson. I learned how merciful God is and how he was able to see our desire to teach with power and give it to us, even if we didn't prepare as well as we should have.
Rusty said we were very powerful teachers and that we would be amazing in the field. Our teacher also sat in and said you know you really taught the investigator to his needs so I can't really say anything to have you improve. Wow, I am so grateful for the help and guidance of the Spirit, because I am definitely not that powerful.
Hermana Godfrey and I have also seen the many many blessings from having a united companionship. Last night she said that she learned after last week that we were also blessed with the spirit so strongly because of the love we have for one another and the work we have done in order to be united in teaching with the Spirit. Hermana Godfrey told our district, you know we are really best friends. I agree! I love her so much and am so sad we won't be able to serve together in the field because she is serving in Buenos Aires West. But I am grateful for the many lessons I have learned from her and the friendship in the gospel that we will have forever.
Sacrament on Sunday, we sang Acompaname (Abide with Me) and with the accompaniment of this really really good piano player it sounded amazing! I also love singing like that. Whenever we have a bit of extra time we go and sing hymns with and our love for music really draws us closer and nearer to the Lord. I love how the lyrics of hymns are truly testimonies or doctrine and they are very powerful and inviting to the Spirit.
So the MTC has such a rumor mill. every Tuesday for devotional there are always whispers going on about an apostle having to come to speak, because it's due time. Last night we were going to have President Packer speak. So people are lining up really early and anyway, It was Spencer V Jones of the 70. Very good speaker, but it is a little funny to see how some people really are a little disappointed.
Yesterday we watched a devotional from Elder Jeffrey R Holland that he gave before Preach My Gospel ever came out. It was so amazing. He said Never go home. Give everything I can because the mission is the greatest gift for me right now in my life that God could give me. There has also been a lot of talk about making sure we really teach the Savior and His Atonement, because that is truly what the Gospel is. If we really do fulfill our purpose as missionaries by inviting others to come unto Christ then many many more people will accept His gospel and be able to receive the many blessings that God is so lovingly giving.
I love the scriptures so much. So to prepare for our TRC this evening Hermana Godfrey and I have been studying the reading assignment the investigator was given. Alma 40-42. Verse by verse everything is powerful! I am so glad that I am finally learning how to truly study the scriptures, with an open heart, and allowing the Spirit to teach me the powerful words and also the insight to what they are saying. I love the Book of Mormon with all my heart. More than I ever thought I could. And the best part is that I am continuing to love more each day.
The other day we went to a TE to teach an investigator whose brother died. (Well that is the scenario anyway). But this investigator (teacher) said his grandma died and so we taught him about the hope that we have in Christ's atonement and that every soul will have the opportunity to hear and accept the gospel of Christ. Anyway it was really good because the teacher's grandmother who wasn't a member really had just died and he said he took comfort in our lesson. That was definitely the most real teaching we've had I think also because he is a Native spanish speaker and we struggled to understand everything. But it was a good testimony to me that I could understand enough though, and that I will be able to teach in a week and half when I am in Argentina. Yikes!! haha The time here truly has flown by.
Yo se que este evangelio es la evangelio verdadero de Jesucristo. Si nosotros lo seguimos, recibiremos muchas bendiciones de nuestro Padre Celestial. Dios quiere que seames felicidades, y es por este razón que nosotros tenemos la expiación de Jesucristo, a fin de que volvamos a Dios y vivemos con nuestras familias para siempre.
I love you all very much and am grateful for this opportunity. I challenge us all to make every effort we can to draw all those around us closer to Christ and I know we will help them! We will also help ourselves. That is what is so great, we never go without being blessed for our efforts. Have a fabulous week
Love, Hermana Carmen Dunford