Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a billion streets

Monday Sept 20, 2010
first news first. Fabian got baptized on Saturday! yay!!! im so happy. i wasn t too worried cuz i know he has a testimony. but still, not being there to see it all through, can be a little nerveracking. (how do you even spell that word?) ok so my new comp is really a sweetheart. she is so little and pretty! i feel kind of like a giant next to her. She is from el salvador. we already get along great and have found some mutual loves- good food, good music (go motab! thats all we can listen to right now in the mission) saying how things really are, and of course the Gospel.
we arrived to 5 Esquinas in ParanĂ¡. It is so nutty! there are a billion streets with a billion names and a billion cortadas and pasajes. ugh. It also happens to be very large. huge! maybe that will help in my ¨getting ready to finally go home¨ diet. It was a little unfortunate to find the carpeta de area pretty out of date, and upon passing by all the investigadores that are ¨sooooo good¨ not really have much interest at all. bummer. it is a real whitewash. We have been walking a full and trying to navegate ourselves the best we can. THe members are nice, there just arent many that really understand the commandments of keeping the Sabbath Day Holy and Taking THe sacrament weekly. I gave a talk and played the piano- back to full on involvement! i really took the Parque Independencia ward for granted. (It was so hard to say goodbye to the bishop there and his family, especially his wife. i really love her a lot)
So yeah. Last Christmas zone conference a really cool family made this delicious food and then the dad played the coolest song i have ever heard!! about the restored gospel and about Jesus visiting the Americas. Anyway we were looking for an old investigador and she told us the lady that lived across the street was a member. we didnt really beleive her but we went to check anway. it was that same family!! it was so cool. i told him i remembered meeting him and that i loved that song. i sang a little part of it for him and he said well hey ill play it again. man, the spirit was so strong. im going to ask for a recording of it. they then invited us to lunch and sang some more songs for us. it was so tight! they arent too keen on many commandments though (hno farias has two dangling gold crosses in his ears) ayyayay.
that was a cool experience. then we had some pretty ridiculous lessons with people saying thank heavens when answering their question that yes, the lesson was over. and other people complaining on and on andon about the catholic church and how ridiculous it was, but then just being completely convinced its the only true church.
I love you all, and im excited to see what other adventures we will have here in ParanĂ¡.
Sister Dunford.

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